jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2006

Réflexion sur... life and work of outsiders

Life forever [pour la vie] focused on (which implies: concentration, dedication, insistence, persistence, intention, passion) in processes (diverse, varied, multiple).

Which processes? [¿Qué procesos?] Internal ones. Always inwards. Never external. Processes which only concerns [que no le conciernen más que] to them.

Processes especially for one-self expression: dan algo a entender, explicitan algo, algo suyo [say, state explicitly something about them; il indique explicitement quelque chose sur eux] pero sólo –en primera instancia– para ellos [but only meaningful for them], because if they are real, authentic, they have to serve for explaining them who they are (and nothing more that that).

Así [Hence], se generan desde dentro per se, no para exhibirse ante nadie, tampoco para perseguir desesperadamente el aplauso o la comprensión de nadie [to not be exhibited before anybody, either to intend desperately the applause or the understanding of anybody; non pour s'exhiber devant quelqu'un, non plus pour poursuivre désespérément l'applaudissement ou la compréhension de quelqu'un], aunque a veces (y paradójicamente) pareciera que los buscaran.

Outsider artist (in modern societies), who not have or refuse formal training (autodidact-as)

(s)he who falls between all stools –nada entre dos aguasand outside all trends –al margen de todas las tendencias

(s)he who is immediately considered to be dealt with a psychiatrist rather than critics [ser tratado por un psiquiatra más que por los críticos; être traité par un psychiatre de plus que par les critiques].

(s)he who suffers (knowing that it is just the obverse of genius;
sachant que c'est simplement la face du génie) the struggle of solitary careers, suspicion, refusal, indifference, loneliness, instability.

(s)he who create delicate, complex (sound, visual, narrative) worlds which are (almost) always rejected, misunderstood.

…isolated, visionaries… capaces de intuir, de desvelar caminos a la postre frecuentados [chemins en fin de compte fréquentés]

...nacidos del conflicto interno (nés du conflit; born out of internal conflict)

…[lonely] francotiradores

…iconoclasts(who destroyed icons=any well established form)
outside history

…with the courage of doing (of living) alone and destitute [en la indigencia, miseria]

…considered as undisciplined, almost crazy people when the reality is just the opposite: they are highly focused, deliberated artists/thinkers channeled into complex formal structures (universal models) which serve them as a way to constrain their unlimited spontaneity, fierce instinct, primal [primaire]
(or even primitive) quality, violence and torment [
et tourment].

…escape from luxury traps

Works, highly personal to be continued by anyone, to form a school or movement, to have disciples and followers; obras, fruto de una aguda [fruit of an acute] interiorización de sus experiencias [of their experiences], sin posibilidad de ulterior desarrollo [without
possibility of further development

Réflexion sur... life and work of outsiders