lunes, 26 de febrero de 2007

Sarraute, Tu ne t’aimes pas [You Don't Love Yourself, Tú no te quieres]

The title… “-Usted no se quiere. Pero y eso, ¿cómo? ¿Cómo es posible? ¿No se quiere usted?...”

The plot of the novel… (plot?) an anonymous dialogue on… self-hate –a theme highly relevant to the human condition... Many anonymous voices coexist

voices from the “others”…
voices which all belong to the same human being...
voices from the (separate) inquilines of her/his thought…

… echoing a message from those who are largely lacking in self-esteem.

Structure… "You Don't Love Yourself is very different from my other novels, because it was the first time I wrote in dialogue."

Scenes (No)

(To be completed...)

Nathalie Sarraute, Tu ne t’aimes pas [You Don't Love Yourself, Tú no te quieres]

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